Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bread' round Europe - slovak bread group

October 2007 - pupils of our school started their own grain field - of course in a traditioanl way - all works done without machines- with our own hands. A special event for a special reason- to learn how the bread was obtained in the past. It was a " hard and long - winded" road. It involved much of people´s effort and sweat . This is why people paid so great respect to BREAD.
Our headmaster also told us stories from his childhood- his father would even bend down on his knees and kiss the field which was going to be " the nice, warm and life-giving bed" for the grain for a few months during the cold winter and cool spring. He would say a prayer and then he would seed the grain from a special hand- made canvas bag .
Now when we have the grain seeded we are looking forward to see how it is growing in the spring but before that we are looking forward to see other works which must have been done before eating a nice, crispy and tasty slice of bread.

On 28 October we are going to visit the Museum of Traditional Way of Life where we will learn other important things about threshing the grain, making bread dough and baking bread.
Yummy, yummy -

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