Friday, June 20, 2008

Visit to Germany

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From June 4 – 9, five teachers and four pupils from our school visited Germany, where the second meeting of the project “Bread ‘ round Europe” took place. The first meeting took place in Tallinn last November.The trip to Germany was interesting both for pupils and teachers as we went there on our school mini bus and drove through Sweden and Denmark.

The meeting itself took place in Sustrum, which is a small village in the north-west of Germany. The pupils and some teachers lived in host families.

There were many interesting outings, one even to neighbouring Holland, but as our project is devoted to bread, the main focus was on it. We visited an old windmill and a workshop, where the children could try their hand in assembling mini windmills, which was actually quite a demanding and painful task.

The last day was the busiest. It started with football matches between four teams (Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia). If the teams could not be manned with their own nationals, German children helped out. Football was followed by cultural and alimentary presentations of the guests.

We all felt sincere hospitality in Germany and left the country with the most pleasant memories.

Talupäev Vabaõhumuuseumis
1.-5. klassi õpilased käisid Vabaõhumuuseumis talupäevadel. Lapsed said ülevaate talutöödest, said ka ise nendes osaleda ja proovida pesupesemist, kartulikoorimist, puude saagimist, ubade külvamist, aedikust kivide koristust. Kui tööd tehtud, võis lustida. Õpiti selgeks huvitav "Hobusemäng". Suur tänu tublidele ja toredatele muuseumitöötajatele, kes lastele ka viisakat käitumist õpetasid.

Oli tore perepäev.