Thursday, October 18, 2007

Õpilased kirjutasid:

Merje 8.kl: Oktoobrikuu esimesel neljapäeval käisid meie kooli 6.-9. klassi õpilased Tartu lähistel põllumajandusmuuseumis. Muuseumis näidati vanu tööriistu, masinaid. Saime ise proovida vilja peksmist ja jahvatamist. Saime maitsta omatehtud leiba. Käisime ka Adavere lähistel viljakuivatis. Seal nägime nii tänapäevaseid kui ka vanemaid viljakoristamismasinaid.
Lenno 8.kl: Oli huvitav päev. Nägin, kuidas rukkiteri saadi viljapeast kätte, kuidas vilja puhastati ja purustati. Näidati vanu tööriistu ja nende kasutamist. Nägin 1919. aasta aurumasinat. Saime näha leiva tegemist ja maitsesime värskelt küpsetatud leiba.
Evely 8.kl: Muuseumigiid jutustas meile, kuidas vanasti rukist kasvatati, lõigati, rehte peksti. Nägin erinevaid tööriistu. Sain näha, kuidas leiba valmistati ja maitsesin värskelt küpsetatud leiba.
Mariliis 6. kl: Sain teada, kuidas vilja peksti ja teri sõeluti. Teri sõeluti suure sõela sees. Tegime leiba ja sain maitsta koolileiba.
Siiri 8.kl: Näidati, kuidas vilja peksti ja sain ka ise seda proovida. Nägin tööriistu, millega vilja peksti. Vanasti peksid vilja enamasti naised. Näidati, kuidas vilja jahvatati ja saime ka ise jahvatamist proovida. Meile näidati erinevaid tööriistu. Nägime, kuidas leiba tehti ning saime ka ise leiva tegemist proovida ja värsket leiba maitsta. Meile näidati ka filmi sellest, kuidas vanasti inimesed põllul töötasid. Seal mängiti suurt põrandamängu - see oli väga huvitav ja õpetlik. Seda mängu oleks põnev veel edaspidigi mängida.
Janne-Liisa 8.kl: Sain teada, kuidas vanasti vilja võeti, seoti, pärast peksti. Näidati vanu tööriistu ja masinaid. Üks masin oli seal 89 aastat vana. Leivaküpsetusruumis tegid Kaido ja Sass leiba. Meie sõime eelmise grupi küpsetatud leiba.
Siiri: See oli tore päev ja selliseid võiks rohkemgi olla.
Merje: Oli väga tore ja sisukas päev. Tänud neile, kes aitasid selle päeva läbi viia.

Our students wrote:
Merje , Grade 7:
On the first Thursday in October, the students of our school from grades 6-9 visited the museum of Agriculture of Estonia near Tartu. At the museum we were shown old tools and machinery. We could try our hand in thrashing and grinding grain. We could also try home-made bread. We also visited a grain-dryer near Adavere. We saw both modern and a bit older harvesting eqipment there.
Lenno, Grade 8: It was an interesting day. I saw how it was possible to get seeds out of rye ears, how harvested grain was cleaned and ground. I saw old tools and how they were used. I also saw an old steam engine, which dates back to the year 1919. We saw bread being made and tasted newly baked bread.
Evely, Grade 8: The guide told us how rye used to be grown, harvested and thrashed in the old times. I saw different tools. I also witnessed how bread was being made and tasted newly baked bread.
Mariliis, Grade 6: I found out how grain was thrashed and sifted. Grain was sifted in a big sieve. We made bread as well and I could taste school bread.
Siiri, Grade 8: We were shown how grain was thrashed and tried our hand in it. I saw tools which were used for thrasing grain. In old times it was mostly women who thrashed grain. We were also shown how grain was ground and tried it ourselves. We were shown various tools. We saw bread being made and tried it ourselves and tasted fresh bread. We were also shown a film about how people used to work in the fields in the old times. We could also try our luck in an exciting huge board game, which was played on the floor – it was really interesting and very informative. I’d like to try that game in the future again.
Janne-Liisa, Grade 8: I found out how in the old days grain was harvested, tied and later ground. We were shown old tools and machines. One of them was 89 years old. Kaido and Sass prepared dough in the museum’s bakery. We ate the bread baked by the group that had visited the museum before us.
Siiri: It was an enjoyable day and I wish there were more such days.
Merje: It was a nice and very informative day. Our big thanks go to those who organized it.-

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