Monday, November 26, 2007
PROJECT MEETING “Bread ´round Europe“ in Tallinn
Õpilased joonistasid kavandeid. Nende hulgast valisime välja oma projekti logo. Slaidiprogramm algab enim hääli saanud logoga.
At the same time we hade EXPRO in Tallinn.
EXPRO 2007 lauluväljakul.
Meil oli seal oma boks, kus demonstreerisime kunstiõpetaja Jaana juhendamisel valminud mängu, pakkusime võileibu, seinal näitasime filme ja pildiprogramme.
Messi külastasid ka meie Comeniuse leivaprojekti partnerid.
Monday, November 12, 2007
The trip to the Open- Air Museum Vychylovka- 28 October
The trip to the Museum of the Traditional Way of Life
Kysuce- Vychylovka 28 October 2007
Not only the weather but also the atmosphere of the beautiful natural landscape provided that the time we spent in this splendid part of the Northern Slovakia was an unforgetable experience for all of us- children and adults.
We came here to learn about the process of making bread in the past but learned much more- about the great respect to people´s life and even greater respect to all natural features which are basis for humans to survive and live a worthy life .
We found out much about very sophisticated old tools and machines used in the past to make the life simplier. Children saw how difficult it was to live in the past and had time to think about their ancestors´ life.
We were lectured about bread- making process in the past and we could also taste newly baked bread made from different grains .
The actors all dressed in period costumes and using period equipment demonstrated the functions of the different kinds of tools and taught us everything from recognizing different kinds of grains to kneading and baking the bread loaves.How lovely they tasted you can guess!!!!!!!!!!!